Touch Your Dreams: The Power of a New Wineskin

September 05, 2024 00:23:21

Show Notes

This episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast features a discussion between host Karen Conrad Metcalfe and Billy Epperhart, founder of WealthBuilders, about "touching your dreams" - the process of expanding your vision and mindset to achieve greater things.


Billy explains to "touch your dream," you need to get out of limiting environments and expose yourself to new experiences and perspectives. He explains the concept of a "new wineskin" - the need to change your thinking and beliefs in order to receive God's new revelations and blessings, and includes practical steps to cultivate a new wineskin. The episode also delves into the importance of understanding seasons and timing in God's plan, using personal development to increase your value and position yourself for promotion and provision.


Tune in for encouragement to dream beyond your current circumstances and allow your perspectives to be expanded. Touch Your Dreams: The Power of a New Wineskin


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: What most people don't understand is that it's God's responsibility to give you the new wine, but it's our responsibility to give to God the new wine skin, which means we gotta think different, we gotta believe different. And the picture that we have on the inside has to change. [00:00:33] Speaker B: Welcome to the Wealth Builders podcast. We're just so glad that you chose to join us today. And I have our very special guest once again, our founder, Billy Eberhardt. Billy, thanks for being here. [00:00:45] Speaker A: Glad to be here, Karen. I'm excited about what we're going to talk about today. [00:00:48] Speaker B: I am, too. You know, this has been, it's called touch your dream, what you're going to hear about. But there is a process, Billy, that you describe that is so enlightening. I've never heard anybody describe it before. And it sort of starts with a new wineskin. And I wish that God just dropped that new wineskin in. But we have a part to play. [00:01:09] Speaker A: We have a part to play. You know, what's, you know, the statement that we make is go out. Go out and touch your dream. And most of us, Karen, we don't know what we don't know. [00:01:23] Speaker B: So true. And as you get older, you know that more. [00:01:26] Speaker A: You know that more looking back, right? Cause you see the mistakes. But when we talk about going out and touching your dream, you don't know what you don't know. So sometimes, you know, a lot of people will say, well, Billy, what do I do? And I like to say, you know, hosea chapter four in the Old Testament and verse six says, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. You don't know what you don't know. And so we make the statement, go out and touch your dream. In other words, get out of the current environment that you're in and get out into another environment and start seeing and experiencing things. So if you've been in a limiting environment or you've been in one place, you know, I've had a lot of people tell me, well, you know, I don't want to do that. Well, if you don't, we're probably not talking to you on this podcast. We're talking about to people that really believe God, you know, has a purpose and a plan for their life. There's something bigger or greater than just where they are today. And if they understand that, they relate to that in a way that makes make they understand it spiritually and naturally, then what happens is I've learned this, and I use kind of natural material illustrations for this. [00:02:36] Speaker B: It's really helpful. [00:02:37] Speaker A: And I've learned myself, you know, about if you go out and touch your dreams, I use material illustration, because if I use other kinds of illustrations that maybe are really good to me, and I may do that here in this podcast, but, you know, I use material things. And so, for example, you know, I talk about, I have a pickup truck, right? [00:02:55] Speaker B: Yes. [00:02:56] Speaker A: And it's got massage seats in it. [00:02:58] Speaker B: Pickup truck, by the way, I never. [00:03:01] Speaker A: Knew though, that trucks until, you know, probably, what, ten years ago actually had massage seats. And so I went out and a friend of mine had one and I got in it and I thought, man, this is cool, right? And now I didn't intentionally go touch my dream there. I happened to get in that one, you know, I didn't know. And I thought, well, you know what, one day I'm going to have a truck that has massage suits in it. So that happened to me about ten years ago. And I love, in fact, I used them this morning coming here. I had them on the whole time from my place here, and we're on the campus here of Charis Bible College. And just my place here, I drove and I had massage seats on. I enjoyed it the whole time. So, you know, I say things, I use that as kind of a funny illustration, but it's really true because you don't know what you don't know. And I know mentors that I had earlier in my life, I didn't even know sometimes what I was seeing or hearing till later. And then sometimes I did. And I remember learning, for example, one of my early business mentors, the kind of cars he drove, I never even knew those kind of cars existed. Now I have to be careful using material illustrations because then people can be guilty of lusting or wanting things right now, maybe they shouldn't have. But I'm only using it to show that sometimes you don't know what you don't know. [00:04:21] Speaker B: So true. [00:04:22] Speaker A: Now, if I use personal illustrations for me in the area of my purpose, in the area of ministry, in the area of business, sometimes that's relatable, sometimes it's not. If I use a material thing, it's easier to see. So Jesus said this, he said, you cannot put new wine into old wineskins. And so we're talking about touching your dreams. So one of the things, when Habakkuk was complaining to God about where the nation of Israel was, and actually wherever he was, where Habakkuk was, the Lord began to talk back to him. In fact, the Bible says in Habakkuk, chapter one, that habakkuk was complaining to God, right? He was complaining about where he was at and where the nation was at. And so the Lord said to him, you need to station yourself. So Habakkuk said, okay, I'm going to go station myself to see what the Lord will say to me. [00:05:14] Speaker B: That's key, right? [00:05:15] Speaker A: See, so when God talks to you, he talks to you primarily in pictures. So good, he doesn't talk to you in words. He shows you pictures. And so when we talk about dreaming, touching your dream, you have to start seeing where God wants you to go. That's why Hebrews, chapter eleven, verse one, says, faith is the substance of things hoped for. Because hope is what you see. It's your vision. It's what you believe God is saying to you. So then Habakkuk said, the Lord spoke to him and said, write the vision and make it plain so that they that read it can run with it. But then he said, but the vision is yet for an appointed time. So in other words, he wanted to paint a picture in Habakkuk, so Habakkuk could see what God was saying. And I think for all of us, we have to understand that in order for new wine to come to us, we have to give to God a new wine skin. What most people don't understand is that it's God's responsibility to give you the new wine, but it's our responsibility to give to God the new wine skin, which means we got to think different, we got to believe different. And the picture that we have on the inside has to change, meaning, if it needs to change, it has to change in order for us to give to God what he needs to have so he can put the new wine in our life. [00:06:40] Speaker B: Yeah. What are some practical ways for us to actually get, purposely say, lord, I am willing, and show me the pathway to get that new wineskin? [00:06:50] Speaker A: Well, I believe that's a great question, and I believe that you have to go out and learn to touch your dreams. So I remember one time, now remember, I'm using material, illustrations. They're not always, they're better for people to relate to. But I remember one time in my life, at a certain season of my life, I don't need that anymore. Have it. But I remember I owned a reasonably large real estate portfolio in a certain part of the country, and I was going out there investing. I mean, actually, I made the realtor out there, the top realtor in that market of over a million people. I made him the top realtor three years in a row. He won the top Realtor award. And so I was a good client, right? But I was spending a lot of money traveling and staying, and so I thought I wanted to learn to. I thought I wanted to because it's on the ocean, it was on the coast, and I wanted to learn about boats. And so I got this idea that I was going to buy a big enough boat I could sleep on and stay in when I'm out there doing my investment, right? Yes, that was the idea. So it was either that or a condo. And boats were kind of cheaper at that time. So I was looking at boats, and I was looking at a newer boat. And I remember I went to the yacht show. I went to a yacht show. I'd never been to a yacht show. And I remember this boat I had picked out. I'm just going to say it. It was like a million dollars, right? A new boat, 1.2 or something. And I remember I went on talking about, you don't know what you don't know. So I went on, so you had to fill out a financial statement. This really was true. You had to fill out a financial statement to be able to get on the boat, to look at it. Now, I wasn't borrowing the money, meaning from those folks. I already had money, but they wanted. So I filled out this little thing that they wanted. It wasn't just like, you know, what's your annual income? They wanted to list certain things. Oh, yeah. They wanted more. So I filled it out. So the guy saw it. He said, okay, come on the boat. So I get on the boat, and it's a nice boat, right? I liked it. And I thought, well, yeah, this would be comfortable, right? It'd be very comfortable. I'd come out here and stay for two weeks at a time and do what I was doing to invest. And then he said to me, he said, would you like to see another boat? I said, I would. And I said, what kind of boats you got? He said, well, just follow me. So, you know, they wouldn't let you on these. But it wasn't a bunch of people on the boat. In fact, this boat he took me to see, the first one we were by ourselves. The much bigger boat he took me to see. We were definitely by ourselves. So I'm walking around this huge boat, and I'm looking and I'm going, man, this is way beyond anything I'd ever dreamed of. And I remember I said to him, we're coming down the stairs after we've been up on the main deck. We're coming down. I looked at. There was three decks there on that boat. And I said to him, I said, well, how much is this boat? He said, well, now, the first boat you looked at was a new boat. And I remember him saying, that's 1.2 million. The second boat, it's a used boat, right? I said, man, it doesn't look used. I mean, it's a nice boat. He said, it's $6.2 million. [00:09:50] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [00:09:51] Speaker A: When he told me that, I was shocked. I mean, I knew it would be expensive, right? And number one, I couldn't buy that at that time myself. And so I said this to him, naturally. I said, who in the world is buying these boats? That's what he said to him. Who is buying boats this expensive? You know what he said? He didn't miss a lick. He looked at me and he said, well, sir, there's a lot of money in this world that you and I don't know anything about. And he said, the problem is you and I don't have any of it. That's what he said. And what. And that is such a strange statement, the way he said it. There's a lot of money in this world. The problem is you and I don't have any of it. Now, I had some. But he was making a point that there are a lot of buyers for this kind of stuff. And what it did was it kind of adjusted my thinking. Now, later I started learning. I really understood a revelation at that point. If you hear my testimony, you'll know that at that point I didn't understand the difference between desire that God's given you at that level. Because I was younger, I didn't understand the difference between desire God's given you and the spirit of mammon. Right? The spirit of mammon where you're going after material things. I didn't understand that. Now. I later did, right? I got a revelation of it and I teach on it. So I'm not. So what I was in at that time, myself was the spirit of mammon. Just so you're clear. So I'm using the illustration, though, to show you there's things that you don't know that you don't know. There's whole world out there because we're so familiar with our own places. Like when God talked to Abraham in Genesis, chapter 15. His name was still Abraham at that time. And I say that I tell the story that he's sitting in his easy chair in his. In his tent, you know, watching his flat screen tv, you know, flipping the remote control mindlessly and complaining to God that he didn't have an heir. And God spoke to him supernaturally. And he said to him, this is my paraphrase. He said to him, shut up and get up. That's what he said. You shut up. Quit complaining and get up. And he did. And the Bible says that God brought Abram outside. Now, I don't know how he did that. I don't know if he took him around the neck or by the neck, but he brought him outside. That's what the Bible says. [00:12:07] Speaker B: That's really good. [00:12:08] Speaker A: He didn't say Abram came outside. He said God brought him outside. So God had brought him outside. And he said, look up to the sky and count the stars. Because remember, he's complaining about his heirs. [00:12:19] Speaker B: Yes. [00:12:19] Speaker A: He said, you look and start counting. One, two, 4000. Right? You start counting. And he said, so shall your seed be. So in other words, he used the sky, the stars in the dark sky to get him to see something. That picture that we're talking about. To see something he had never seen before. And when he said, so shall your seed be. The Bible says that Abram believed God. And because of that, he was made righteousness to Abram. God looked at him as a righteous man because he believed the picture that God showed him. That's what happens to most of us. We never can accomplish or do accomplish what God is really calling us to do or be. Because the pictures that we have on the inside are so limiting. And we end up limiting God. And we end up not giving God the wineskin that God wants us to have. [00:13:21] Speaker B: You know, that's really key, Billy. Because God will if he shows us a picture, which he does for all of us. But it's interesting that Abram had to say yes. He had to agree. And so I just wonder how many times God's trying to give us that picture and we're just not willing to say yes or believe him because of our limiting beliefs. [00:13:43] Speaker A: No. Exactly. And that's what we do. Because what we do is God. Let's just say, as an illustration, God is infinite, of course. But let's just say God is this big, right? He's infinite. So he's all things. He's all knowing. He's omniscient. He's all powerful. He's omnipotent and he's omniscient. He's all knowing. So when you look at it and you start thinking. But just for illustration, let's say God is this big. And what you're thinking, is this big, and what God wants you to see is this big. What we try to do is see everything God is trying to tell us and put it inside of this limit, this size of a cup. And God's saying, no, no, no, I don't want you to have a cup. I'm not asking you. Maybe right now, you know where you are, you've got a cup, but your cup is full, right, like mine is right now. But I want you to get yourself a big picture of water, a much larger container to hold. And then with God, all things in God are progressive. The Bible itself is progressive revelation for us, it goes from Genesis to revelation. And it's a progression of the revelation of God to us, God's revelation to you about your purpose, about your call, about your wealth building. It is progressive revelation. And so there is a continuation of new pictures, new movies, new things that you see on the inside that God will continue to talk. I mean, I never saw, when I was younger, when I had the wrong motives right. I never saw myself in some kind of role like this. That was never a dream of being who I am and what I'm doing now. And very candidly, even some of the things I have on the personal side, I never looked, I never saw those things, but I saw kind of the next step or the next couple of steps. And honestly, some of my motives during those first couple of steps were, had to get readjusted and God had to say, okay, I'm first in your life. It's not finances or material things. It's what I want in your life. And I made those adjustments by the grace of God. Right. My wife, Miss Becky, helping me, we made those adjustments in that, and she never did get over in that like I did, but I did. But then God used her and other people in my life to bring those adjustments. And then from that, I began to get connected to the purpose of God. I realized it wasn't about stuff and it wasn't about just money and all those things. It was more about God's purpose for your life. [00:16:09] Speaker B: But it's really great. You're at a point now where you didn't see this, that you were going to be the CEO. [00:16:14] Speaker A: Nope. [00:16:15] Speaker B: But you stewarded what God had in front of you along the way. And I think sometimes we want to jump from where we are now all the way up there. But you also teach and share with us a lot about seasons and timing, and maybe you could just share a little bit about that in this process. [00:16:37] Speaker A: Well, I think, you know, one of the things that we have to understand is that, you know, if you read two kings, chapter five, where. Where we find the story of Naaman coming to the prophet. And he came to Elisha the prophet. And he came to him. And if you remember the story that Naaman, because of pride, did not want to go wash in the river Jordan because it was a muddy river. And he said, are not the rivers of where I'm from? Are they not better and greater and all that? And so then he had a little, some of his servants around him said, look, would you not do great things? Why don't you just go wash like he told you to? So Naaman humbled himself. He went and washed. And of course, the Bible says, because he had leprosy, he said he came out clean. But then the next part is about Gehazi servant. And Gehazi's servant, Gehazi, Elisha's servant, followed Naaman out and he went and asked him for things, for money things. Because when Naaman the Syrian, who was healed of leprosy, came to Elisha the prophet, he actually said, look, I brought all this wealth with me. I brought all this money with me. I brought these garments with me. Would you not take. I'd like to give you all of this. And Elisha said, is it time to receive money and blessings? Now? Most people will miss that. They think it's supposed to be anytime. So Elisha realized that there are some things that need to happen, probably for Gehazi, number one. And number two, there could be things Elisha was aware of, even spiritually, that it wasn't time. And so what, the reason that you talk about seasons is that you have some seasons where it's not time to be promoted. You have some seasons that it's not time to receive wealth and different things that God has for your life. And the reason it's not time is because you're not ready for it. [00:18:29] Speaker B: It's so good. [00:18:31] Speaker A: And so that's why I say it's us. That's why. That's why you always say this. You don't get paid for time in the marketplace. You get paid for value. And so what you have to continue to do is work on yourself. And if you work on yourself, then, and develop yourself, that's what I mean by your personal development. You become more valuable to God. You become more valuable to the marketplace. Then the things that you have, the dreams you have, begin to get attracted to your life. So instead of you having to make it happen, God will pull you up through divine connections. That's by association. God will also pull you up through Kairos God opportune moments to do certain things. And sometimes I can tell you, Kairos moments will feel like blind luck. What I mean by that is that even when you're more mature and know, sometimes you don't see those things coming. But when they do come, you start recognizing them and you're able to, because. [00:19:28] Speaker B: God brought them to them, then steward. [00:19:29] Speaker A: Them and steward it, steward that opportunity. And when you do, guess what happens. The blessings of God come with it. [00:19:36] Speaker B: It's really good. I think you just shared, we just had a conversation, I guess, in the last couple of weeks where you were sharing with me about there's a season of sowing. A matter of fact, I think it was, you know, regarding just your time right before coming on board here and understanding that those times of sowing are because God has something so much greater. [00:19:59] Speaker A: That's correct. [00:19:59] Speaker B: Than you could ask or think. [00:20:01] Speaker A: That's exactly right. [00:20:02] Speaker B: And that really helped me personally, Billy, because if we want something and make a demand that we want something right now, it's usually going to be a lot less than what God actually has planned. [00:20:14] Speaker A: It's always less, yes. What we think we want or what we think we got to have, I tell it is always less than what God has planned. Because you think, well, I'm a big dreamer. I can dream big. I mean, you know, I'd like to have a million. Well, just think, I'd like to have a million dollars. But just think, God's a lot bigger than all that. And if you're in line with God, whatever God has, I can assure you, is always bigger than what you personally are dreaming. [00:20:36] Speaker B: Yeah, this is so good. Well, we could literally talk for hours here, and Billy will be coming back. We're doing more podcasts, so we'll have a lot more content with this. But I do want to just share a couple things that's happening with wealth builders. One of them is something that we do that is called the real estate boot camp. And this is actually coming up on October 2. And when you talk about touch your dream, that's what that bootcamp is all about. Because we have people that come in through the coaching program and they're learning a lot of information and they're looking for that way to get in the game. And we found that what they need to do is they need to be able to touch their dream. So we go down to Cocoa Beach, Vero beach area, which is the area that we personally invest. Troy Peterson, one of our coaches is down there. The coaches come with, it's limited to 20 people and we literally touch our dream. So what I mean by that is we go and we look at properties, we analyze them, then we actually go out and look at those properties. Also, we go to our properties because you hear those stories. And that, I believe, is something that if you are interested in investing to touch your dream and you really have wanted to get in the game or understand more, see what it's really like. We have a very limited number of people that can attend that, so you can ask us for information on [email protected]. dot also, we've got the October real estate workshop coming on the October 11 through the 13th. And that's another way for you to touch your dream actually to get that new wineskin nuances. That's why you do that is because people need to learn. [00:22:14] Speaker A: They need to be able to see it and they need to be able to hear information they haven't had before. [00:22:18] Speaker B: Yeah. And we hear that all the time. They're like, wow, I didn't know. We've just seen lives, families, generations change, completely changed through wealth builders. So come be a part of that. You can [email protected]. events all right, Billie, any final thoughts you'd like to share? [00:22:35] Speaker A: Well, I'm excited for those that are watching. I'm excited for what I believe is next during these economic times. So it's important to start dreaming. It's important to dream beyond where you are. I want to encourage you to do that. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is where your vision and your dreams reside is in hope because hope is seeing to the future. So faith is the substance of things hoped for. And it's the evidence of things not. [00:23:03] Speaker B: Yet seen, seen that's so powerful. Thank you. Thank you, Billy. Thank you, our wonderful wealth builders family. We'll see you next week. God bless you and make it a great rest of the day.

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