Do not mistake activity for accomplishment. This happens all of the time in small businesses and nonprofits that have plenty of leadership, but no management. In this episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast, Billy Epperhart wraps up his lesson on the leader manager from Charis Bible College. You will learn how to balance the elements in your organization in a way that achieves optimal value.
Hosted by Billy Epperhart. Written by Hannah Grieser. Produced by Celine Williams. Narration by Greg Hunter. Music by Audio Jungle.
Instagram: @billyepperhart
Facebook: Billy Epperhart
Twitter: @BillyEpperhart
YouTube Channel: Billy Epperhart
It's one thing to set goals, and another thing entirely to align them with God's will for your life. In this episode of The...
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Need a boost of faith and motivation in your journey? Then tune in to today's WealthBuilders Podcast where Karen Conrad Metcalf shares a powerful...