The higher your credit score is, the lower your interest rate will be. Maintaining a good credit score is crucial to getting the best deals on your rental properties! In this episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast, Bily Epperhart breaks down how to understand and boost your credit score. He also touches on how to locate and dispute errors in your credit report.
Hosted by Billy Epperhart. Written by Hannah Grieser. Produced by Celine Williams. Narration by Greg Hunter. Music by Audio Jungle.
Instagram: @billyepperhart
Facebook: Billy Epperhart
Twitter: @BillyEpperhart
YouTube Channel: Billy Epperhart
Get creative. Design your future. Take action. These are all attitudes that will propel you into your God-given destiny. On this episode of The...
This episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast features a discussion between host Karen Conrad Metcalfe and Billy Epperhart, founder of WealthBuilders, about "touching your dreams"...
Business management requires planning, and as Christian entrepreneurs, we are called to steward our businesses well. As Andrew Wommack says, “If you aim for...