Navigating Through Uncertain Seasons

October 03, 2024 00:27:45

Show Notes

In this episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast, Karen Conrad Metcalfe and Mike Davis discuss how to find purpose and encouragement during times of uncertainty and transition. Hear about the importance of being open to God's bigger vision for your life (even when it requires stepping out of your comfort zone.)


The discussion speaks to the role of community and mentorship in helping you see your potential and pursue your God-given purpose. You will be encouraged to seek God's guidance, be willing to embrace change, and surround yourself with people who inspire a big vision.


Tune in and learn how to overcome the challenges of turbulent times. Navigating Through Uncertain Seasons

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Scriptures is habakkuk 317 19. Though the fig tree should not blossom, there be no fruit on the vines. Though the yield of the olive should fail, the fields produce no food. So in other words, negative things could be happened to your life. Though the flock should be cut off from the fold and there be no cattle in the stalls yet I will exalt in the Lord. I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength and this is part I always really hang on to. He's made my feet like hinds feet and he makes me walk on my high places. [00:00:51] Speaker B: Welcome to the Wealth Builders podcast. I have a question for you. Do you know what's ahead for you? Have you been in, or are you in a season where you know that something is coming to an end, but you have no clear sight to where you're going? Well, if that's you, you are going to really love today's Wealth Builders podcast because I have Pastor Mike Davis back and we've actually been talking about this topic, and so we're going to lay a foundation of what to do in that situation. But I think also, Mike, provide some encouragement for people that sometimes this is God's pathway. We've got some really good personal stories to share along this, so welcome, Mike. [00:01:34] Speaker A: It's good to be here. And I do think this is going to be something that can really help people. And to be honest, I was telling Karen I believe it's going to help me. And so this is another reason I wanted to talk about. I've had a scripture that's been burning inside of me for two months, and I try to go over it and meditate upon it every day. And it's from the passion translation, Hebrews 1321. And it says this. May he work perfection into every part of you, giving you all that you need to fulfill your destiny. And may he express through you all that is excellent and pleasing to him through your life. Union with Jesus, the anointed one who has received all glory forever. Amen. [00:02:22] Speaker B: That is awesome. [00:02:23] Speaker A: And so I. I keep thinking, okay, God, you know, maybe it's because I turned 65 and. But, you know, you start thinking about people that are. I think about people that I was close to, relatives and different ones who are already in heaven. [00:02:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:41] Speaker A: And I think, you know, they had a good life, but it just didn't seem to me. I'm not judging, but if that was my life, I would be a little disappointed. And I just thought, I don't want to enter into heaven and be disappointed about the life that I left. I feel like, Karen, that we should be hooping and a hollering, as they say in Kentucky, a hooping and a hollering when we go through, like, whoa, what a great life. Yes, I had such a great life. You know, John 1010, the amplified version says that he's going to be such a great life. It's overflowing goodness of goddess. And so I really believe that. And I feel like if we're not careful, as christians, we can just go down the lazy river and we enjoy life and it's calm and it's. But you know what? I'm the type of person, give me the rapids, give me something. I want some adventure and I want some excitement in my life. I want to be able to help people, not just a handful of people. And I don't know, maybe forgive me of his pride, but I want to help thousands upon thousands, Karen. [00:03:52] Speaker B: Amen. [00:03:53] Speaker A: I really do. [00:03:54] Speaker B: That's not pride. That's something God's put in you, and that's a desire that God has put in your heart. And I love it. Cause Paul said, hey, I ran the race. [00:04:04] Speaker A: Yes. [00:04:05] Speaker B: So at the end of his life, and we talk about that scripture, but what does that mean for us? And I agree, sometimes it's uncomfortable to make changes. [00:04:13] Speaker A: It is. [00:04:13] Speaker B: And Dave and I have been through a lot of changes, which we were pretty comfortable. Right, but you're right. At the end of the day, at the end of this life, am I going to feel really good about what I did? And this, I believe this podcast, Mike, is going to help both of us, right? And all of you to push through difficult times. That's good because it's about purpose, it's about destiny. God's put that in our hearts. But sometimes we're in these turbulent waters, like the rapids. That might be fun when you get in it, but when you're really in it, where you start to have some fear, you start to wonder, am I going to make it to the other side? Was I even supposed to get in this white raft? You know what I mean? Those are all things we think, isn't it? It's like, yes, God, I'm so excited. I'm going to say yes to this amazing vision. And then we hit turbulence or we don't know, our boat's going to flip over. What was I thinking? [00:05:08] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:05:09] Speaker B: So this is like really going to encourage, when we hit those hard times to push us through. And when you were talking, there's something I was listening to Joyce Meyer. If I need to, like, get straightened out, like, if I'm starting to get an attitude, like, I need to listen to Joyce Meyer, I get to kind of get to you. And she said something in a podcast. This was really, really good. She said that it's on her heart to talk more about end times. Not in a scary way. Right. But just like, hey, we are getting closer. And, you know, we could be saying that in a thousand years. We're getting closer. We don't know God's timing. But she said, if you. If Jesus came tomorrow, said, if you just think about it and you knew that Jesus was coming tomorrow, what would you do in your life now to prepare if you knew he was coming tomorrow? And that really struck me because I was like, you know what? That's true. We can get back, sit back and be comfortable. But if Jesus did come tomorrow, am I going to be happy with what I've done in my life or where I'm at today? And if there are things that I would want to change or I would say, hey, you know what? I was supposed to do this, or I should have risked this and gone ahead because it was what God said, what are those things? And then live making those changes today, that's powerful. [00:06:34] Speaker A: And, boy, you talk about deep thinking when you. Scary. Deep thinking, yes. Not just deep thinking, but it can be scary because letting go of. Letting go of the familiar. Billy talks about that in his change mastery book. You know, I read that book and. [00:06:48] Speaker B: I go, oh, it's great sitting right there. [00:06:51] Speaker A: Yeah, slide it back over. But, you know, you do have to make changes, and you got to be willing to let go to grab hold of what's in the future. But in Jeremiah 20 911, it says, for I know the thoughts that I think towards you. God says, I am thinking things towards you, Karen. And he says, thoughts of peace, not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. [00:07:19] Speaker B: So good. [00:07:20] Speaker A: I mean, that's a familiar scripture. But listen, that is a powerful scripture that I've been. I've got three life scriptures now. This is one of them about. And they're all talking about future, and they're talking about things because I really sense. And you're right. I mean, I think it is that God puts things inside of us. And people that have gone on before me, maybe they're. They were totally satisfied about the life that they live. And, you know, and I'm not judging them. I'm just saying I don't want that to be my life. [00:07:48] Speaker B: Right. [00:07:49] Speaker A: I want something to where I can hoop and holler about and be like, God, thank you for the desires come from him. But, man, I want them to be starting. I want them to start manifesting. [00:08:03] Speaker B: I totally agree with that. And even sometimes people don't know that this is available to them. So if we think about people like, you know, if I'm just talking about my family, they're leading wonderful lives. They're making a big difference. But if they're, if people are not taught that there is this purpose that God has for you, they're not even going to want to open the, they don't know to open the door to seek what that adventure is. But we know God has a purpose and he's got something for us. So when we, we say, okay, Lord, I'm going to seek you, and I'm going to expect that you're going to show me and reveal to me what's next. But if you're never aware that you've got this adventure ahead, you don't even know to ask. [00:08:49] Speaker A: I think another part, though, I just thought of this is like, I didn't think big until I hung around wealth builders. Really? [00:08:58] Speaker B: That new one, people like you. [00:09:00] Speaker A: I'm telling you, I think that's part of cracking the door open. Me, too. Who are you hanging around with? What are you listening to so good? If you're not listening to people that are thinking big, if you're not listening to people that has great vision, then, you know, if you, like, you brother Andrew says, if you shoot toward the ground, you're going to hit that. Every time you shoot towards the moon and you make it into outer space. We made it to outer space. And so I think being around people to really iron sharpens iron. And I'll tell you what, man, it makes you think, you know what? Maybe I should start thinking bigger. And I think that's all part of the journey. I'll say that the third scripture, that's one of my life scriptures is Habakkuk 317 19. Though the fig tree should not blossom and be no fruit on the vines, though the yield of the olive should fail, the fields produce no food. So in other words, negative things could be happened to your life. Though the flock should be cut off from the fold and there be no cattle in the stalls, yet I will exalt in the Lord. I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength. And this is part I always really hang on to. He's made my feet like hinds feet, and he makes me walk on my high places. [00:10:19] Speaker B: Oh, that's awesome. [00:10:20] Speaker A: He makes me walk on my high places. And so I'm saying, God, I mean, my high places are different from yours, Karen, everybody's high place is different, but there's a high place for us. I mean, we guess what, you know, when we go on trails and ride bikes and everything, it's nice when you get to that nice level or downhill, but, you know, to get to that peak, it's uphill. [00:10:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:40] Speaker A: But the great thing about it, God's given us grace to get up to that point. He says, I will give you the strength to get there, it says. And makes me walk. He makes me walk on my high places. So I have a high place. So now that I know, you got to know that you got a high place. If you know you got a high place, then you can, like Karen said, you crack open that door and says, okay, God, show me what that high place is. What's the next step? And I just believe that we have to be convinced of that. [00:11:13] Speaker B: I agree. And no, like studying those scriptures, too, that talk about we have a purpose. He has a purpose and a destiny, and it was something that was declared, and he knew and laid out that path before we were in our mother's womb, man. So I like that scripture that you shared about a high place, and it's your high place. So our high place is on that path in pursuit of the purpose that he has for us. The other thing I really like that. He'll help you walk. [00:11:40] Speaker A: Yes. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Okay. But if you don't start to say, okay, I'm going to start to move right then there's not a lot that God can do. I mean, he can't take a step. You got to take a step in faith. He might be bring us around people, I guess. And really you're doing what Mike described by listening to this podcast and being a part of wealth builders, because you can get mentored by people that you don't have to just be next to them personally, you know, listen to the content. I'm sure there's other people, too, but that is a pathway. You can be around people that lift you up and challenge you without having to be in the living room with us, you might say, or with Billy and Becky. You know, another thing I thought of Mike is Billy and Becky. When Billy was satisfied, remember that story? He was laying on the couch, laying on the couch. And Becky, you know, she just was like, if you don't get off the couch, I'm gonna kill you. I'm sure it wasn't quite that direct. There was some other discussion, but it's such a cute story. Well, anyway, what if Billy didn't get off the couch? [00:12:43] Speaker A: Wow. We wouldn't be on this couch right now. [00:12:45] Speaker B: We would not be on this couch. And what he's doing with Andrew Wommack ministries and Charis Bible College, he had so much more ahead. [00:12:53] Speaker A: Yes. [00:12:54] Speaker B: But he needed that prompting from Becky to help him open that door. [00:12:58] Speaker A: Wow. [00:13:00] Speaker B: And that's how. That's a special day. That's a really special day. And I think in marriage and in friends, you know, those are ways that the Holy Spirit helps us to, like, be encouraged that there is something more in you. And if Billy, let's just say that Billy, for whatever reason, would have gone to heaven at that time, look what would have been missed on account. Right. And in that journey, I think they've shared this, that, you know, Becky really felt that if he didn't get moving on, that it was. He may not have had the long life he's enjoying today. [00:13:39] Speaker A: And look how many thousands and thousands of lives have been touched. Millions. It's just crazy. [00:13:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:47] Speaker A: It makes you think, okay, I better get with it. I don't want to miss the next step for me, because if we do just sit back, how many lives are not going to be affected? [00:14:00] Speaker B: Yes. [00:14:00] Speaker A: I tell you what, that's a powerful thought. [00:14:03] Speaker B: It is a powerful thought. And it's part of God's design for us. And everything works together for the purpose and everything that we do and set our hand to will thrive, will prosper. When we are pursuing God and his purpose now, it doesn't mean that we want to have problems along the way. But if we don't have the ability to have a vision for that or we've really not thought about it, especially, you know, I turned 60 today. You're 65. And we were just talking beforehand that, you know, kind of makes you think, like, wow, what? This next season in my life is not a decline. This is an incline. This is where we really take all these things that God has prepared us for. And we come into that convergence. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:47] Speaker B: And the world tries to teach us that, oh, it's time to retire. When are you going to retire? Well, this is the time that we really should be at our peak and our best because we've been trained, right, for decades. We have a little maturity, but we're going into that place, and all of you are going into that place as well. So I have a funny story. Should I share the Dave story. So Dave is also. He's 67. And I just woke up one morning, and I really felt impressed that I needed to tell Dave that he is getting too comfortable. And he's at a really big church. He's been there 17 years. And you know what? He was comfortable. We had an amazing house. Everybody loved him. At work, you would just look around and say, wow, this is really where you guys have wanted to be all your life. So when I told him that, Mike, he was not too happy about that. [00:15:50] Speaker A: I can relate. Yeah. [00:15:51] Speaker B: Yeah. It was like, at first, he's like, I don't think so. Kind of, like, resisting it. And then, because David's so humble, he actually brought it before the Lord and just said, you know, I know that you speak through my wife, and in this, if there's anything to it, please reveal it. And it was, I'm telling you, like clockwork. After that, he had a dream that shared that. Actually, one dream was him resigning from his job. [00:16:20] Speaker A: Wow. [00:16:21] Speaker B: And then he's like, well, that was interesting. Then we went to, when I was speaking at the dream trip with Lance, then we had someone there that is prophesied said, hey, I have a word for you. And so we sat down with her, and she said, you've got a change coming. There is a new season. Then we had another friend, really close friend, prophesy even where he was going. Okay, then listen to this. This is my favorite part of all of this. Dave had a dream. Well, we would come through. Let me back up. We come through Colorado. And when you're not used to Colorado, we're here for a couple days. Our skin is dry. Our noses are bleeding. Sorry, I don't mean to gross you up, but our nose would bleed, and we would go home and say, I am so glad we don't live in Colorado. Okay. And Dave had a dream where he went. Walked up to a wall, and a scripture in blue kind of came off the wall to him. And the scripture was, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the fruit of the land. And Dave, in his dream, he's like, well, lord, of course I'm willing and obedient. And he heard this voice. Colorado. [00:17:37] Speaker A: Oh, man. [00:17:38] Speaker B: Yeah. And so I just want to encourage you with this, because there are times, if we will just. We're kind of talking about opening that door, right? [00:17:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:48] Speaker B: If we allow and give God permission, despite our comfort to Lord, what. What is next? I'm. I want to do what you've called me to do. I'm willing and obedient. [00:18:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:02] Speaker B: That gives him, I think, a pathway to actually show us what might be the next step or start to confirm things. But we didn't know what was ahead. All we knew at that time is there's a change coming. And then as we walked it out, it was amazing how quick everything aligned. [00:18:20] Speaker A: That's awesome. [00:18:21] Speaker B: And then, you know, here we are in Colorado and Dave is the executive director of army. [00:18:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:26] Speaker B: Let me tell you, we did not see that coming. But once we were open, everything started to align. [00:18:34] Speaker A: I think it's so powerful to know that we are in more charge and what God is waiting on us to be. You know, we keep praying because trust me, I'm doing this. God, you got to speak to him. But God is saying, are you willing? And one thing, maybe you got to let go of this. And maybe it's a big step and there is some convincing that we have to do in our inner self, you know? And I believe that's why goddess convinced or worked on convincing Abraham. Abraham. If you look the stars, you know, that's how many kids you're going to have. You look at the sand and then even circumcision, even every part of his day saying his name, abram to Abraham. He's the father of many nations. You're going to have kids every part of his life. What was God doing to him, Karen? Convincing him that in your future, future, you're going to have many, many children's nations are going to come out of you? He was convincing me that. And you know, Billy, and you are great about doing practical things for to think that way. God did that with Abraham. [00:19:40] Speaker B: He did. [00:19:41] Speaker A: It was so awesome. And let me tell this real quick story. [00:19:45] Speaker B: Yeah, good. [00:19:45] Speaker A: When, you know, I'm a widower, you know, I know your spouse died and I had a three year old. And a couple years after that, the Lord told me to go to Bible school in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which I was in Kentucky at the time. So I literally gave away furniture in my house and let some guy take over the payments of my house and walked away. Whatever I had in my car. That's what I took to Tulsa, Oklahoma. And my mom, she was so concerned. She says, who's going to babysit? How is this going to happen? What are you going to do? And all of this? And so I did that. And I just believed God. Well, within one week, you know, to make a long story short, everything was provided for. But then I met Melody and we got married. And about a year after we were married, she wanted to have kids. You know, we had. Danielle was about seven, I think, at that time. And so she says, I want to have kids. And so we tried having kids. She couldn't get pregnant. So after a year or two, she went to get a checkup. The doctor said, you can't have children. So we went to Africa and came. God called us to Pueblo. We got to Pueblo, we got settled there, and she says, I'm going to go see another specialist, a different one, lo and behold, saying that, amen. They did everything known to man, and you can't have children, you can't get pregnant. And so this is what we did, Karen. God really helped us. We. First of all, I wanted to have a son. So we named. The name that I want to name him is Jared Michael. So we had Jared Michael as a name. She bought clothes, she bought boys clothes, she bought the car seat, and she bought a high chair. So when we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner, she put the high chair up. She got those little Gerber things of food and put it on there. She didn't open it, but she would put. If it was breakfast, she would put the breakfast on there and said, and put the little bib on the high chair and said, there you go, Jared. And we went. To solve everything was about convincing. I didn't realize it, but looking back, I know what it was. It was to convince us. And, I mean, we went to every prayer line, getting hands laid on us. Nothing was going on. Nothing was happening. And we got so far, we would play. I don't know if you ever heard of spades. It's a card game. [00:22:19] Speaker B: Totally. [00:22:20] Speaker A: We play in trumps. And so we. Jared had his own stack. So it was Danielle, Melody and myself. And then Jared, his stack was turned down. And so we would play our cards. We say, okay, Jared, it's your turn. And he would play a trump on your ace or something. We go, Jared, oh, my goodness. We make a big deal about it. And so we all were convinced about Jared, and lo and behold, she got pregnant. And the doctor said, you want to have an ultrasound or whatever to find out? We said, it's a boy. We know, lo and Beholden, behold, that Jared was born in 1999. And just right after that, a little over a year after that, we had our second one. Joel and I go, okay, hey, we need to stop this. [00:23:05] Speaker B: Our quiver is full. [00:23:06] Speaker A: Yeah, our quiver is full. We got three, so. But anyway, my point is this, that we convinced ourselves so good, we convinced ourselves that this is going to happen. And the doctors, all the specialists said, you can you? Can't. [00:23:19] Speaker B: You reached into the promise of God. You pulled the curtain, grabbed that promise, right? [00:23:24] Speaker A: Yes. [00:23:25] Speaker B: And you brought it into Mike. I have never heard that story. That is a beautiful story. [00:23:31] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Every time we look at Jerry, we say, you're a promised child. And because all the doctors said, no, no, no, no, you're not going to be able to have any more children. And we just didn't accept that. So we did that. And I tell you what, there's 16 years from Danielle to Jared and 16 months from Jared to Joel. [00:23:50] Speaker B: That is absolutely beautiful. [00:23:52] Speaker A: I'm telling you, God. But you know what, Karen? God wants us to be convinced about our future, though he does. The same way that I just said. God wants you to be convinced that there's wealth and riches in your future. There's relationship. We are all connected. And so having relationships is vitally important that we talked about earlier. God wants you to know you got to be convinced you have the favor of God. You know, it's been a struggle for me. I don't want to be babified on you, but I have struggled in that. You know, Andrew says he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'm not even in the drawer. So that's how I feel. You know, as far as being super educated or knowing all of the things, man, I tell you, I feel far from all of that. And so I've had to work to convince myself it's been a battle on the inside that, you know, my future is bright. I've got to convince myself that my future is bright. And so you may be going through those same types of battles and thought process. So you have to convince yourself. They have to convince themselves that that's so true. [00:24:56] Speaker B: And as you were talking earlier, too, Mike, I was just seeing that God wants to do so much in and through us, but if we can't accept the, what God wants to do through us, or we decide that it's not possible through us, that there's no, there's no way for him to bring that to pass in our life. So you're really good about talking about, we need to think bigger. We think too small. And some of that is just letting go of what we know we are in the natural and yielding to goddess humbling herself before God and saying, I know I'm a mess. I know I have days where it's like, I can't believe that I just acted like that. But it's not about us. It's in that humility and yielding and I just think like, Mike, for you, I've told you this, there's something so big ahead. And I love your process because what you're doing is following that pathway and you're saying, God, I'm going to let you show me bigger things than what I can see myself in myself. Okay, one more thing. We could really chat for a long time with this one and maybe we can even carry this on again when we do another podcast. But I've been reading Pastor DeFara's book Grace in the marketplace, which pastor Defara is our wealth builders Africa. Him and his wife Chippo are directors and they have a church there. Well, he was talking about Jacob with the speckled cows, how he would put those speckles in front of them when they got pregnant and as they would see it, and out of that, speckled cows were born. [00:26:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:40] Speaker B: Okay. So when you were talking about this story, it was like you were doing, you and Melody were doing what Jacob was doing. [00:26:48] Speaker A: I've never thought of that. [00:26:49] Speaker B: You were putting that child in your life before you and it brought a seed of that coming to pass. [00:26:59] Speaker A: That's good. [00:27:00] Speaker B: In your life. [00:27:00] Speaker A: That's good. [00:27:01] Speaker B: So I really think this is a word. Maybe there's some people out there that you are actually believing God for children. And Mike's story is a huge encouragement. Maybe you are struggling financially. You're nothing breakthrough there. You have given us a pathway to apply our faith and I really believe that there's lives that are changed from this podcast today. I know my life has been changed. [00:27:27] Speaker A: Praise God. [00:27:28] Speaker B: So thank you so much, Mike, and thanks all of you for being part of the wealth builders family. God bless you and make it a great rest of the day.

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