We are living through interesting economic times. Inflation is extremely high, interest rates are historically low, and cryptocurrency investing is changing our financial landscape. After studying historical trends and America’s current economic situation, I have three market predictions. Check out this week's podcast to hear them all in just under 7 minutes.
Hosted by Billy Epperhart. Written by Hannah Grieser. Produced by Celine Williams. Narration by Greg Hunter. Music by Audio Jungle.
Instagram: @billyepperhart
Facebook: Billy Epperhart
Twitter: @BillyEpperhart
YouTube Channel: Billy Epperhart
his episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast features a conversation with Karen Conrad Metcalfe and Greg Fritz, who shares practical advice on "getting your vision...
Do not mistake activity for accomplishment. This happens all of the time in small businesses and nonprofits that have plenty of leadership, but no...
This episode of the Wealth Builders Podcast features a discussion between Karen Conrad Metcalfe and real estate attorney Bill Bronchick on the current state...