Grace Under Pressure: Navigating Work and Business Stress as a Christian

Episode 175 May 02, 2024 00:28:00

Show Notes

The Lord wants to be involved in everything you do, from your family to your finances. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in stress. However, Jesus offers a grace-filled alternative. In this episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast, Colin Carr shares his journey of bringing God’s grace into the workplace. Tune in to learn how to invite the Holy Spirit into your professional tasks, stress, and mistakes. You will be empowered by the goodness of God on a whole new level!


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[00:00:00] Speaker A: And John the Baptist said, no man can receive anything. And my parentheses is of eternal significance or value unless it comes from the Lord. And so if it's not from the Lord, I'm not interested. And if it is from the Lord, I want all that he has for me. But I'm not going to be able to steward that properly or represent the kingdom the way that I'm supposed to if my focus and my foundation is not on Jesus. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Hello and welcome to this week's Wealth Builders podcast. I have a very special guest, Mister Colin Carr, the founder and CEO of Carr. Welcome, Colin. [00:00:50] Speaker A: Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. [00:00:51] Speaker B: Wow. I really appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to be here. And many of you have heard Colin on the podcast, but you haven't actually seen him. So this is really fun. This is the first time we've had you on the video podcast. [00:01:03] Speaker A: That's fantastic. [00:01:05] Speaker B: And also, a lot of people know this, but in case you didn't, Colin is also a board of director for Andrew Wommack Ministries, which we were just sharing a little bit about how God just connected you there. And here we are, less than ten years later from the first time that you actually met Billy and some of those people, and now you're on the board. [00:01:24] Speaker A: Yeah, it's been a tremendous blessing. I was at my first business summit up at Charis Bible College in 2015, and I had heard Paul speak before, but I hadn't met him and I had not heard Billy speak before. So that was my first introduction to Billy, first introduction to Dean Radke and a few other just generals in our faith walk. And so I got a chance to meet a few of them, and I think it was 2021. I got invited to be on the board and get to spend even more time with those amazing men and women of God. So it's been an amazing run. [00:01:56] Speaker B: Oh, it's just so amazing. And we love to have Colin on anything that he will agree to with wealth builders. I love it. [00:02:03] Speaker A: It's a privilege to be. [00:02:03] Speaker B: Oh, and then your beautiful wife April, and your amazing kids. It's really been a family involvement, really, for you guys. And we're just sharing too, with the workshops. We've got something called the young entrepreneurs, and they just really love it when you and April are a part of that, and April gives them prophetic words. We're really invested in the future of these young people. And Colin, you're a big part of that. [00:02:30] Speaker A: Thank you. Yeah, it's huge on my heart, too. My professional walk was a little different than a lot of people's. I started working when I was 19. I had odd and then jobs when I was 18, but I got my first, like, career job when I was 19 years old. And something hit me. I just didn't have a, I didn't have a draw to go to college to study anything specifically. And so I just started trying to figure out how to get the best job I could and how to start down the career path. And I ended up getting a 3456 year head start on a lot of my good friends that I grew up with. And the Lord just made it really clear to me that you decide when you want to be a man or be a woman. And I think, you know, in today's society, we have a very defined rut or track where we tell kids, this is what you're going to do. You're going to go to elementary and then middle and high school, and then you're going to go to college, then you're going to intern. And that's great for a lot of different careers. But, you know, for me personally, I checked out of school when I was in 9th grade and I still maintained honor roll, top whatever percent GPA and still took advanced courses. But for me it was just a matter of I have no other option. I had never seen business before. I had never been introduced to anyone who said, you can go a different or alternative path in your career. And so I got out of high school and I actually went and I audited four or five college level courses. And I sat in there for about two weeks on each one. And I walked out and I just said, I know I wasn't born again, but I said, I know that I'm not supposed to be here. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, but I know I'm not supposed to be here. And so I just started working. I started meeting people. I started just taking anybody I could to lunch that I knew was successful and asking questions. And that's how I got my first several jobs. And I just think I love when Paul says, you know, when I was a child, I thought like a child, I act like a child, I spoke like a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things. And that doesn't mean that we don't have fun or don't still do things that are enjoyable, but just the whole idea that you have to wait until you're, you know, you graduated from college or you have your MBA or you've done this and that, I mean, I fully believe that kids that are 1617 years old can have tremendous success and results. And that's so cool. I love that. So I love being a part of it. And I love to see more young entrepreneurs be stirred not only in their business walk, but in their faith walk and say, look, we don't have a junior holy spirit. The only limitations we're putting, the only limitations on us are the ones we're putting on ourselves. And there's such an opportunity to do more than people are giving a lot of these young men and women credit for. [00:05:01] Speaker B: That is so good. I like just how you shared. It's a decision. And bringing that back to scripture. And I love that because, you know, Levi, he didn't go the typical career path as far as school. He went to cares Bible College. And I had a lot of pressure from my family about that. [00:05:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:19] Speaker B: Because it was like, what are you doing? You know, what is this school and what kind of degree will he get? But now looking at it, the fruit, and looking at your kids and in your life, my goodness, it is a great way to go. And that's really what wealth builders is all about, is just helping families to build generational wealth. So, Colin, you are a tremendous businessman and just so solid spiritually as well. I would just love to just hear a little bit about how you combine those two. And a lot of people have been taught that you don't combine the two. You're either business or you're spiritual. And that's the case. [00:05:58] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, that's a really great question. I think we could probably fill a couple hours together on that one. But, you know, for me, I just. I just didn't want to have a separation between my work life and my family life and my faith walk. And I didn't have a clear picture of that, honestly, until I was at Charis Bible College. But I just started. I just started seeing that, you know, the Lord's opening up doors for ministry in every environment. He wants to be a part of everything that we do. He loves us so much that he chose to live on the inside of us. And I know theologically or scripturally, we'd say, you know, we know that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, but how many people actually live their life on a daily basis with the acknowledgement that he is 100% with us in everything that we do? He's there when we go to sleep at night, he's there when we wake up in the morning. He's in this podcast right now, and whether we're getting on a Zoom call, or we're going into a sales call, or we have to deal with something that's very exciting. We're cashing a big check, or we're dealing with a problem. The Holy Spirit's in everything that we do. And so, you know, my personal walk as far as where I'm at today is trying to be more aware of that than ever before and be led by the Lord. Not lean on my own understanding, but be led by the Lord at a greater level and everything that I put my hand to and all my time. But, yeah, I just got a revelation early on that the Lord was 100% for me. And again, these are progressive revelations that take on, you know, new levels of excitement and new depths. But when I started our company car, I just. I knew that God wanted me to be successful. I had a picture of me with my son, Carter, or me with my daughter, Layla, and there's not one out to me that doesn't want them to thrive at the highest level. And how much more does God want to see us succeed? So I got a revelation of prosperity in this season. I got a revelation that co laboring with God is a true gift from the father. Work is pretty prefall of man, pre curse, etcetera. And so I think just the combination of co laboring with the lord of understanding, why does he give us. Why does he give us wealth and prosperity and power to get wealth, you know, the type of ministry that we can do through success in business and how many doors that opens up for us to touch people's lives, you know, and so many other things that are part of it. Yeah, it's, for me, there's no other option. [00:08:18] Speaker B: That is so cool. You know, there's a connection point, too. And what I mean by that is we can go through, I know, in business, and I'll become aware, like, you know what, I'm totally doing this on my own. And so how do you practice, like, being aware and proactively involving the Lord in your business? [00:08:37] Speaker A: Yeah, I would say. I mean, that's something that I'm literally thinking about all the time, because it is very easy to go about your day, and all sudden you can clip off like an eight hour day or ten hour day, and then you stop and say, I don't think I've even acknowledge the Lord's presence with me for even 1 second or 1 minute. And the Lord is so gracious. There's no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not condemning us over that. But I know his heart is to be with us as much as possible and to be and to be yoked into intimacy at a higher level than anything that we've ever experienced before. So for me, practically, it starts with the second I wake up in the morning, I start talking to the Holy Spirit, and I just start saying things that I know are true, that today is going to be an amazing day. I thank him for allowing me to be alive right now, for allowing me to co labor with him, for allowing me to spend time with him. I try to make it a very strong priority to get in the word first thing in the morning. And I pray in tongues. I worship, I read the word, and then to the best of my ability, I just try to stop and have intentional moments throughout the day. So before I drove down here to meet with you, I had calls to make, my phone was ringing. I knew I had things to do, but I just put on a worship song and just worshiped and prayed in tongues for 1015 minutes and just thank the Lord for his goodness. And, you know, the same thing walking in here. Thank you for this opportunity to be, you know, with such great people and to share and just trying to invite the Holy Spirit into everything that I do. So I try to do it with our family. You know, we'll stop a few times a week and just put on worship, and we'll worship together, and, you know, we'll read the word together at different times. But the statement is practicing his presence, as I hear that a lot, and just trying to find time where. Where we're just stopping from our busyness and giving him the acknowledgement of who he truly is. And I think a lot of times people will stop and say, well, I don't have an hour or two. And I'm like, I agree, but we can all. We can, literally, if we just carved off 30 seconds a few times a day, it would change the atmosphere. [00:10:38] Speaker B: I think that is a temptation, too. If I can't go all out, I'll just do dieting. Right? It's help. [00:10:44] Speaker A: People do dieting. They're like, if I can't eat perfectly, I might as well eat an entire pizza, an entire bag of twizzlers and whatever. And it's like, you can do that. But there's so much that happens in just these small, dedicated moments with the Lord, and that, for me, is a game changer. [00:10:59] Speaker B: Wow, that's good. I think I caught you saying something that I think is very helpful. Did you say, or were you describing, like, you had a lot to do, maybe some pressure to do some things. And that was a time where you purposefully stopped. [00:11:14] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:11:15] Speaker B: Wow. Just explain that a little bit. And the power in that, you know? [00:11:18] Speaker A: And again, I don't. I don't have this thing perfected by any means, but if I feel. If I feel stress or if I feel pressure or if I feel any level of anxiety, and it could be because of the complexity of what I have to take care of at that moment or the amount of things that I have to take care of or I have to prepare, and maybe I haven't done all that I need to do or that I would have liked to. If I feel anything that I feel is not the presence of God coming on me, I'll just stop it. I'll just start praying in tongues, and I'll just start. I'll just start magnifying the finished work of Jesus, who God is, who he says that I am, what he says about me is true. And I'll just. I'll just shift all my focus off of the circumstances or the challenges or the pressures or whatever it might be. And sometimes it's not that big of a deal, but it just. It comes at you in a different way where you weren't expecting, and it just catches you off guard. And I'll just do the best I can to stop and. And take my eyes off that and put my eyes on Jesus, because he is the author and finisher of our faith. And the scripture says, you know, keeping your eyes on Jesus. And, you know, the Lord gave me this picture last year, in 2023. And for me, it's been a. It's been an anchor for me. But he just gave me this picture of. He said, imagine that you think that I'm right here and your problem's right there, and they're just neck and neck or side by side, and you can be looking at both of us, but I'm telling you that I'm. I'm all the way over here, and your problem is all the way over there, and you're gonna have to choose either to look at me, look at your problem, or look at nothing. And so he spoke some other things to me and gave me some word pictures and just said, listen, if you are feeling any of these things, if you're feeling the burden or the bondage or the yoke or anything that you know is not kingdom or comes from this world, if you can take a second and just give me your full attention and set your gaze upon me, I'll make those things of no avail. I'll take care of those things for you. And that's been my focus and my heart, to do it the best I can. And I can testify that when I do those things, the other stuff, it just disappears. The power, the authority, the significance of those things just goes away. [00:13:23] Speaker B: And that's powerful. [00:13:25] Speaker A: I'd say 90 some percent of the time they weren't even problems or issues. It just the way your mind perceived them or your heart got caught off guard and the Lord's going, I'm not caught off guard by that. And that's not greater than my finished work. [00:13:36] Speaker B: Wow, that is so good. I just really think there's some people watching this right now that they have been stressed, that they're feeling pressure in business. And Colin, what you shared, I think, is really a word for them. [00:13:50] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know how you can not have some level of stress or natural pressure when you have. A lot of people are married, have a spouse, they have children, they have things that draw on them from a ministry perspective, whether it's church or other ministries or causes. And then you get into work, you get into investments, stewarding finances, and then all the other things, just friends and family and kids, sports teams. I mean, you have. We have so many things in our world that are coming at us on a regular basis and then just society as a general, people's agendas as a. As a whole being forced on us whether we want it or not. I don't know how anyone lives a life of peace and rest outside of a very deep personal relationship with Jesus. I don't know how they do it. [00:14:34] Speaker B: I don't know either. And I think what you're talking about is such a key. A lot of people that we've got a big vision, we know we have a big call. But if we don't learn how to manage that stress and keep the Lord just in his love for us, he is not going to put us in a position where that's going to take us down either from our family or emotionally or health wise. So this key. How's a huge key? I think this is profound for people. [00:15:04] Speaker A: I think it affects everyone. I really do. Whether. Whether good analogies or bad analogies, I always like to go back to things in the natural that my mind can just process properly. But, you know, it's like, you know, Carter's 15 years old and he's starting to lift weights and he's really excited. Like, I wouldn't put more than he can handle on the bar, I'll put enough to challenge him, to stretch him, to push him to the next level. But if he could bench 150 pounds, I'm not going to put 400 on the bar. And so I think there's a. There's a spiritual strength or spiritual capacity that we have based upon what we've set our affection on and where our heart is focused on. And I think the more that we can come back to seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, delighting ourselves also in the Lord, not leaning on our own understanding, the more that we can stay focused on Jesus, the stronger we are spiritually and the more in tune we are with what he says is true. And then when the things come at us, which they're going to in the natural realm, they just don't have the same effect. They just. They don't have the power and authority that the enemy or the world intends. And so it just puts us in a place where we're stronger spiritually, and we can lift and handle a lot more than when we're off doing it ourself or we're off in the flesh. [00:16:16] Speaker B: That's so good. It's almost like that empowers us to reach where God wants us to go faster. Kind of back to, doesn't matter what your age is, right? A lot of times we think, oh, my goodness, God, where is this? You've promised me this. And we think that God is somehow holding back our promotion, but you kind of just turn that completely on its ear. And what I was just gathering from that is really, as we set our affections on the Lord, and certainly we have to learn in the natural, which is why we bring the how tos together with wealth builders. But really, he's probably waiting on us. [00:16:50] Speaker A: I hear you. I mean, I have. You probably have several testimonies like this, too. I know Billy does. But when I've kicked doors down before, I have put myself into rooms that I'm not supposed to be in, I've done investments that were me just trying to make things happen. And again, I don't do this perfectly, but to the best of my ability, I don't want it if it's not the Lord. And I love the statement from John the Baptist when he says, behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. And then people start talking about who's baptizing more people. And John the Baptist said, no man can receive anything. And my parentheses is of eternal significance or value unless it comes from the Lord. And so if it's not from the Lord. I'm not interested. And if it is from the Lord, I want. I want all that he has for me, but I'm not going to be able to steward that properly or represent the kingdom the way that I'm supposed to if my focus and my foundation is not on Jesus. So, yeah, I think to that point, I think a lot of times, if people are in stress or frustration of, why isn't this thing happening yet? I mean, that's not the freedom and the peace we're supposed to be operating in. And so I think that's a key indicator. People are feeling the stress and the fatigue or the pressure or the like, why isn't it happening yet? They're lacking the patience. I think you just probably answered your question. [00:18:05] Speaker B: So good. That is so good. So what would you say, too, to encourage people that get into, maybe they caused their own mess or problem in business, and then this aspect of, like, okay, I got myself into this. I'm going to have to get myself out of this. What would you say to people like that about God's help? [00:18:24] Speaker A: So this is gonna be a three year, four episode per week season that. [00:18:28] Speaker B: We'Re gonna put together, right? [00:18:30] Speaker A: I have a lot of experience there. Cause I've made a lot of mistakes. The first thing I tell you is that as far as the east is from the west, that's how far God's removed your sins from you. And I think anyone who's gonna succeed in business at a high level, from a kingdom perspective, is gonna have to be extremely strong in the grace that's in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because if you are letting the things that you've done as far as your mistakes, your past failings, et cetera, if that's what's defining you, you're off. You're off in the wrong direction of the Lord instantly. Because that's not his voice, that's not how he loves his children, and that's not what he's saying about you. Again, behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute their sins to them. And so getting in a place where you're strong from a righteousness standpoint and you are strong from a he has washed you white as snow. Again, it's not a license or a law to go be an idiot and just to be a bull in a china shop and mess up and say, who cares? But if you truly have a heart to serve the Lord and you're going to make mistakes on a regular basis. You have to be willing to recognize them, learn from them, but you have to move on. And I've heard it said about David many times that he made some really, really egregious mistakes. But one of his greatest attributes was the fact that he was able to go back to the Lord's presence and back to the Lord's forgiveness on a regular basis. And so you have to get to a place where you do recognize it. You can't be blind to those things. You have to recognize when you're in error, you make mistakes. You have to, in my opinion, repent. The Lord's not holding against you, but the repentance just says, Lord, I don't want to do things that are contrary to your nature or your ways. And so I recognize those things. And then I think the next part is you have to run boldly to the throne of grace. And I've heard it said before, you know, we're supposed to be seated with Christ in heavenly places. We're not supposed to be outside of the throne room. But the reason that we run boldly to the throne of grace is because we usually find ourselves out doing our own thing away from the Lord. And he says, listen, I want you seated with Christ at my right hand and I want to be with you in all things. So come back. Let me restore it. Let me make all things new. Yoke up with Jesus again and let him show himself powerfully on your behalf. And again, I think that there's a recognition of my sins have been forgiven, but have they truly been wiped as white as snow? Am I truly holy and without blame before him in love? And does he truly make all things new? And will he finish what he started in me? And so again, it just, it gets into a very personal, intimate relationship with my dad, my father. Would my earthly dad do it for me? I had a great earthly dad. I know everyone didn't, but would my earthly dad do it for me? And the answer is 100%. And if we, being sinful, fallen people would do good to our children, how much more will our heavenly father take care of us, protect us, feed us, you know, resolve the issue for us, step in between us and the punishment taking himself so good, the answer is he will. It's very simple. [00:21:30] Speaker B: Yeah. He's never going to say, no, you made your mess, so you go clean it up and then come and see me afterwards. [00:21:37] Speaker A: Totally. [00:21:38] Speaker B: He wants to be in there. That is so awesome, Colin. [00:21:41] Speaker A: Yeah. I think people, too, will say things like, well, I made this mess. And I need to, you know, whatever a man sow, so also reap. That's not the kingdom of God, by the way. From that perspective, like you bearing the punishment that Jesus bore for you does not get you credibility in the kingdom. It actually is a form of pride. And I've been there before. Trust me, I've been there where I say, listen, I made this mess. I need to deal with it. I need to clean it up. Sure, there's probably a component there where I need to say I'm sorry. I need to try to undo something or fix it in the natural. That's great. But spiritually and emotionally, we are not the ones supposed to be hanging on a cross or trying to descend into the abyss to pay for our sins or ascend up into heaven trying to earn it from the Lord. We're supposed to accept the righteousness by faith. And I think the people that are really strong in grace and strong in mercy, it's rooted in a relationship with God. But I think it is a kingdom attribute or personality trait for those people because they can get past their own mistakes. There's no way you're going to accomplish anything significantly without making some pretty big mistakes in my personal opinion. [00:22:46] Speaker B: Gosh, that is so good. And just so you all know, this is not the direction that we were going to go. This is the direction that God definitely took us. And I think a lot of you are just, this is blessing you so much because you want to do what God's called you to do. You're in real estate, you're in business, but that stress is kind of stopping you. Or maybe you're waking up worrying, whatever that is. Or maybe you have this feeling that if you do something wrong, God's not going to be there to help you to come out of it. And wow, Colin, you have just beautifully explained that. And really, it's a huge secret, you might say, or key to your success because, Collin, you are so successful and you all know this. You've done so much at such a young age and I feel like you just gave us a window into how you are able to do what you do and still be happy. You guys always have a smile on your face and always just so cheery with people. [00:23:46] Speaker A: I appreciate that. I mean, I just, again, I think we talk about personalizing things and again, I mentioned it earlier. Some people did not have a good mom or dad. And I understand that. But you can choose to be an amazing mom or dad. Some people maybe have had challenges with children, but you can still understand, if you're being honest, what the true heart of the father is. Our children, there's nothing that Carter and Layla could ever do that I would want that to stop their destiny or put them in a place where they're condemned or they're living in shame. Shame or fraud, I would never put that on them, no matter what they go through. And so you know, how much more the Lord and his love and graciousness for us. So I think if people can get strong in that area, I think it's a game changer. I think a lot of people are living based upon who they were in the past or what they did or didn't do. And whether it's the shame of something or it's the I should be further along, and that one's plagued me, I'm like, I should have made a better choice. I'd be further along. I shouldn't have lost this money. I shouldn't have made that higher. And the Lord's just saying, I'm not in any of those statements. Like every one of those statements, if you can take it for what it is, honestly, as an affront to God, saying, your mercy is not pure enough, your grace is not abundant enough, you can't recover and restore for me, I'm going to have to do it myself. And honestly, I know no one would say that's what's going on, but when you're holding your past and you're holding your mistakes up and you're holding that in front of the Lord, saying, this is more dominant than who you are and what you've done for me, I mean, it's that versus the blood of Jesus. [00:25:18] Speaker B: Wow. [00:25:19] Speaker A: And it's not a real fight, it's a finished work. And I think the more that we can get past those things, the stronger we're going to be. Again, there's a lot of calls in scripture to be strong, to be strong in the grace that's in Jesus Christ. And so I love it. I love the topic. [00:25:34] Speaker B: That is so good. Wow, this has been awesome. Thank you so much, Colin, for doing this podcast with us. [00:25:41] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:25:42] Speaker B: And you can hear more from Colin. He's really at all of our events, at the wealth Builders events. We love to have him connected here as much as possible. And also, I want to encourage you, check out the wealth Builders website. A lot of you don't know this, but there's over a thousand blogs that's on that website. It's just content rich. Also check out Billy's YouTube channel and Wealth Builders University is a way for you to just subscribe, tune in, just get some more education on wealth builders. And we are just so excited that you are part of the wealth Builders family and tuning in every week. If you have friends and family that you feel to be blessed by this, please share this. And Colin, any final words that you'd like to share? [00:26:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I just want to, I want to just stamp what you said. So I've been involved in some form of commercial real estate for I'm coming up on my 24th year and I've been going to several of the wealth builder events on an annual basis for the last four or five years. And I can tell you this personally, even with my background and the things that I've done, the amount of information that I have learned by sitting underneath yourself, Billy, Bill Bronchek, all the people on the team is significant and I've personally put it into play in my life at a very high level, especially the last couple of years. And not just there's the practical how to, there's also just the vision. Every time I'm in a wealth builders event, the Lord speaks something or several things to me very specifically that I know is his direct next steps for me or his vision for this next phase that I'm walking into. And I can tell you personally, I have been such a recipient of the wisdom, the camaraderie, just the vision of the room to the point of I could tell some pretty significant testimonials at some other point, but we are in a very, very upgraded and accelerated position in a lot of areas today because of the things that we've just gleaned from being around it and also just the practical information. I don't care if you're just getting started or if you are a major player, the Lord's got more. [00:27:45] Speaker B: That's so awesome. Thank you so much, Colin, and thanks all of you. God bless you and make it a great rest of the day.

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