Franchising, Faith and the WealthBuilders Community

Episode 190 August 15, 2024 00:32:44

Show Notes

This episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast features Dave and Anna Deist, members of the Wealth Builders coaching community. They share their journey from starting a Jimmy John's franchise to their current focus on real estate investing.


The franchise's policies, procedures, and marketing support were crucial to Deist's success. As the business grew, they learned valuable lessons about scaling a franchise, emphasizing the importance of documenting processes, training staff, and managing finances differently when planning for growth.


Dave and Anna discuss how their Christian faith has been central to their business ventures. They are transitioning out of the franchise and focusing on real estate, taking full advantage of the WealthBuilders community. The coaching, accountability, and shared faith have been instrumental in their entrepreneurial journey. They encourage others to step out in faith, get in the game, and trust God's plan for their business and real estate endeavors.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: If we had started thinking about this is one of many, we would have trained and staffed differently, we would have managed the finances differently, we would have been talking to accountants and bankers differently. So all of a sudden it's like, oh, we need to grow. And we were behind the power curve. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Welcome to the Wealth Builders podcast. We've got a real treat for you today. I've got guests that are in the wealth builders coaching family. I've got Dave and Anna dies here. [00:00:47] Speaker C: Hi. Thanks for having us. [00:00:49] Speaker B: Oh, thanks for being here. Wow. So we are one of the things I just love about our coaching families, we really get to know each other catching up on families. We're just chatting about Levi and Carly having a baby, you guys have two grandchildren on the way, and it's just been really a blessing. And you guys are a big part of that. And not only do we get to know you as the, you might say, coaches, but you guys end up connecting together. And you're just saying you're going down to Florida and you're gonna get in touch with Troy and Eileen, you've got someone else, you guys are connecting all the time. So we're really, really thrilled to have you guys a part of it. And I would love for you guys to share a little bit about what's your story, you know, and then in that, how did you learn about wealth builders in that process? [00:01:37] Speaker C: Would you like to start? [00:01:39] Speaker A: I could try to start. So, yeah, really where we are now with wealth builders is it's been a neat path. So we own three Jimmy John's restaurants, had five at one point. We've had rental houses in the past and then we both went to Charis, graduated in 2020, learned about Billy Epperhart, learned about wealth builders. I think it was 2019 or so. We went to our 1st, 1st Wealth Builders conference, learned about wealth builders that ultimately got us into the coaching, but so really from, I would say, business, real estate. Charis. Charis was our introduction as christians to grace and faith and our authority and the Holy Spirit. So then to bring all that together into wealth builders is kind of really a neat way for it all to come together right now. [00:02:32] Speaker B: Yeah, sort of that foundation of the word and then bringing in the business and the real estate aspect. [00:02:38] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:02:39] Speaker B: And now you live here in Colorado. I know that. But how have you always lived here or did you move here for Charis? [00:02:47] Speaker C: Well, let's see. We got together in 1997 and Dave brought me from Omaha to Colorado and we lived in the springs for 14 years. And then I, we just moved up into monument in 2020. And I have always loved real estate. In fact, I made Dave go to the parade of homes every year, and so we moved every two years for. [00:03:15] Speaker B: Ten years so you could get that new place and fix it up and all those fun things. [00:03:20] Speaker A: Anna sat about five dream homes. [00:03:21] Speaker C: Yes, I have. We've built several, but I. And then we kept each one of them, as you know, so the next house, and we were renting them. And so that's where our rental background comes from. We did sadly sell most of those rental properties because when we got into Jimmy John's, we needed just, you know, to have the cash to be able to put into that. So. Boy, in hindsight, though, if we would have kept those. Never ever sell. Once you own, never ever sell. [00:03:53] Speaker B: Do you know, that is amazing that you say that, Anna, because Bill Bronchek was on in the previous podcast, and he said the same thing. And then I was on a call with Troy and, like, you know, he's got both of them over 30 years of real estate experience. What's the one thing that you would say? And they said the same thing. Do not sell. [00:04:14] Speaker C: That's so true. [00:04:15] Speaker B: Wow, that is so interesting. But now you're getting back in it. [00:04:19] Speaker C: We are. And, you know, that's our hope, is to just really do real estate. Just real estate. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Yeah. We're at a point in our life we love the Jimmy John's. We've learned a lot, but now we're ready to work toward passive income. [00:04:39] Speaker B: Building those orchards. Right. Just picking that apple on the tree. [00:04:43] Speaker C: I was just thinking today, you know, our kids are getting married and having babies now. And if we would have kept all of those rental houses, you know, we could have gotten our kids into each one of those houses as a starter home for them. You know, that would have been a really reasonable mortgage for them, so. But we'll do it again. [00:05:06] Speaker B: You know, it's never too late, and you will do it again. And that's a great thing about Gadi, is just always a restorer. And you guys are, you know, anything that you guys set your hand to, you succeed at, because it's based on the word of God. You've got the business knowledge, you're getting the how to's. So you're really an inspiring couple, and I would love to hear, as I'm sure all of you would, too, a little bit more about how you ended up getting into Jimmy John's. What have you learned? What's your favorite parts of it? What do you think about franchises? So can you share a little bit of that with us? Sure, go ahead. [00:05:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So we had talked about having it. Well, I'll back up a little bit to the. We had talked about having a business, but when we first got saved, we were in a small church, handful of families, and new to the christian world. And every time there was a missions trip, it cost, like, $3,000. And people are donating 25 or $50. And we're there thinking, we live in the United States of America. This is the richest nation in the world. Why is it so hard to fund missions? Well, you know, we had not been exposed to what we're exposed to now, to understand that it was bigger than that church. But we did feel like we. We always had a heart for business, that if we could find business, that could be a way to give to the kingdom. So that was our heart from the beginning. And where was I going with that? Oh. So then we had done a lot of reading. We knew we needed a simple business at the time. I'm in the Marine Corps, Anna had worked for restaurants, and we knew we didn't have a business background, so we knew we needed a simple business model that we could execute. [00:06:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:49] Speaker A: The one thing we knew was we did not want to be in a restaurant because we knew the restaurant business. So Anna's mom calls one day and said her stockbroker called her and said, you need a new stockbroker because I'm getting into Jimmy John's restaurants. So he's named Dean Hodges in Omaha. I called Dean. Dean starts explaining Jimmy John's six meats, one cheese, two breads. Simple business. And it was going gangbusters. This was 2007, so we're like, okay, it met all the criteria, except it was a restaurant. [00:07:27] Speaker B: It's not the way it goes sometimes. One thing I don't want to do, and then you're like, wait a minute, I'm doing it. [00:07:33] Speaker A: So you're making during lunch and dinner, you're making food for other people. You don't eat lunch during food. You don't eat during lunch and dinner, and you work seven days a week. And when we opened, we have bar shifts. So that went till three in the morning. So it was hard work, but simple business model knew we could execute it. So we flew out to champagne, and in the end, we opened a Jimmy John's restaurant in 2008, and we actually. [00:08:03] Speaker C: Made money in 2008 in the same year that is with the stock market. [00:08:09] Speaker B: Incredible. [00:08:10] Speaker C: All that was happening in the stock market at the time. We were. A lot of the restaurants well, were failing, and because of our business model, and we had delivery, we were gangbusters. We were doing well. [00:08:23] Speaker B: Wow. So that kind of goes back to two people that want to start a business. You guys wanted to start a business, and you went the route of franchises. So can you just share a little bit about why you made that decision and maybe some things that you've learned about that? [00:08:40] Speaker C: Sure. So we knew that we didn't have the full background for restaurant business, even though I had managed and worked in restaurants. We knew we wanted to own a business, and we felt that that was the safest way to get in and be under the umbrella of the corporation, to be able to help us along. So that's what we did with my friend that was opening at the same time. It was a brand name that hit Colorado Springs, and we had a black truck with a big logo on it and Jimmy Johnson. People would just ooh and awe when they saw the truck. The brand name came really hard and fast to Colorado Springs, and it just took Colorado by storm, and as it did all over, and we loved it, and there was so much energy. I think we had a lot of help from corporate when we first got started. They would help us and send people routinely, and we'd have, you know, like dollar sub days and things like that just for marketing. But we just had their help all along, which really made it a lot easier. Pretty failproof. It was a lot of work. But we love the energy of the stores and the customers and just the potential of, you know, having all these employees. Each store averages about 30 to 35 employees when it's running well. And so, you know, there's just a lot of potential to speak into the lives of all of our employees, from young kids to our managers. And what do you think? What was the most exciting thing for you? [00:10:25] Speaker A: Well, back up to the franchise part. Jimmy John's systems and procedures are so well done that you initial when you unlock in the morning, you initial when you lock in the evening. Every employee initials everything they do all day long. There's. It used to be on papers. Now it's on iPads, but it's so simple to execute. So, you know, if you go to some of what Billy teaches with systems and procedures, and the same's true in real estate, it doesn't matter what you're doing. [00:10:53] Speaker B: So true. [00:10:54] Speaker A: Jimmy wrote down everything he did every single day, and he turned that into thousands of restaurants that all execute the same way every day. [00:11:02] Speaker B: Do you know, that is really key right there. I was in banking 20 years. And, you know, we had to do it from a regulation standpoint. And consistency, and you're talking about it in a restaurant business. But also what I'm hearing is writing down what he did every day, and then you as franchise owners, following that and being accountable, keeping your team accountable, really leads to the success. And what is it in that? Is it just consistency? Is that. Is it that you've got someone overseeing all the processes where you don't have to be in everything? But how important was the policies and procedures and the systems? [00:11:45] Speaker A: Yeah, they were crucial. So it does a lot of things. It makes it. Accountability is easier. So if you come in, in the morning and there's, the floor's not mopped, but it was initial, you see, hey, you said you mopped the floor, but it sure doesn't. [00:11:58] Speaker B: Oh, that's a good one. [00:12:00] Speaker A: So management's easier because all that's right there, new employees come in. If it's after lunch cleanup, someone says, I'll fill the ice bin, I'll. I'll wipe the tables down. You know, who's doing it. They can all pick what they want to do. So it makes the management a whole lot easier, but it makes it consistent. There's, this is. We kind of did this a little bit at home, but what they do is what we have is their daily beautification list, dbLs. So the entire restaurant is cleaned every week from floor to ceiling. So tops of the ceiling fans to the kick plates on the floor, to everything you can imagine, the vents, everything is cleaned every week, some things twice a week. But the entire store is broken into seven days of daily beautification list. And it was kind of like, drove the kids nuts. We're like, hey, we're gonna have dbls now. Here's how you're gonna clean. [00:12:53] Speaker B: It's great for vacation rentals, too, by the way. [00:12:55] Speaker C: Yeah, they didn't like the DBls at first, but then once they got, you know, into the swing of things, then it just made their life easier. Wow. They actually did, you know, they did get to a point where they really did appreciate it. [00:13:11] Speaker B: They're probably all doing it in their households now. And your little grandkids are like, I've got my DBL list. Thanks a lot. Right. So. [00:13:19] Speaker A: But, yeah, it provides accountability, it supports management consistency. [00:13:25] Speaker B: It's kind of satisfying, too. If the employees know what to do and then they know how to succeed, that really helps with the culture and them feeling good about themselves. So with Jimmy Johns, you were talking about the excitement, were you? Guys, the first Jimmy Johns in Colorado. [00:13:43] Speaker C: Springs, we were one of the first. There was one other person that opened his first store at the exact same time that we did got it, but there at the time, there was just two of us, so. And we had, we were up to five stores. I'm not sure how many the other owner was up to in the springs before. [00:14:03] Speaker A: It was about the same at that. Oh, at that time, yeah, I think he ended up getting to maybe ten or twelve at one point. [00:14:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:12] Speaker A: So that's another, that is a kind of another lesson. So we had never owned a business before. We were happy to just open one store and have it successful. And then, that was 2008, and then we, you know, there was only two owners in town and Jimmy John's was looking for growth, but we had not planned for growth. So I had not talked to anybody about financing. We hadn't thought about staffing. So it took a little while and it was, I guess, not too bad, really. But 2011 was our second store and then three more stores in 2015. But if you start, if we had started thinking about, this is one of many, we would have trained and staffed differently, we would have managed the finances differently, we would have been talking to accountants and bankers differently. So all of a sudden it's like, oh, we need to grow. And we were behind the power curve. [00:15:07] Speaker B: Wow. [00:15:08] Speaker A: Still worked out pretty well. Yeah, but, yeah, we just, we didn't think that way when we started. [00:15:13] Speaker C: It was a very large learning curve for us. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Do you know, I think that's a lot of what wealth builders definitely has done for us and for you and other people is to think bigger, is to think beyond where we're at today. And that takes, you have to have someone like a Billy and Becky that are showing us or speaking that. But you guys are in the real estate coaching, the business coaching. We go through systems and all those things. So entrepreneurs are at least positioned to be able to scale. And you guys learned that you were very successful. What would you say to people that maybe have got a scalable business and are wanting to franchise? What are some things that you would give kind of on the other side of this if you were a business owner, not franchise, but you wanted to. [00:16:05] Speaker A: Build it out, systems and procedures, write down every, every step. [00:16:10] Speaker B: And probably right when you're one stop shop or one person shop, even at least take the time to document it. [00:16:16] Speaker A: Absolutely. That I was trying, I'm trying to think of the name of the book. The lady has a cupcake shop shoot. Billy recommends it. It'll come to me. [00:16:29] Speaker B: It'll come anyway. [00:16:33] Speaker A: But it's a book on the entrepreneurial myth. [00:16:39] Speaker B: Oh, the Emyth. The emeth, yes, got it. [00:16:43] Speaker A: And the Emyth is a great book because it's that you're a good executor. You do what you do every day. And that story was a cupcake shop. But when you want a franchise or you want to grow, you need to work. You need to work on the business, not in the business. [00:16:56] Speaker B: And that's really hard for entrepreneurs, because you want to control every piece, right? [00:17:03] Speaker A: So you got to learn to step away from that business and duplicate it. And I'd say even Jimmy's story, he wrote down everything he had. I think a handful of stores in champaign, Illinois, thought, oh, I could grow into. He went into, I think I know he went to Chicago and I think, Minnesota, and had, I think, somewhere in the order of 20 stores visited them all, and they were not executing the way he executed, and it wasn't the quality you expected. So he stopped all the growth, redid all those stores, and he didn't grow for, I think, two or three years until he figured out not just the systems and procedures, but a really good franchise model and what it took to franchise, because you need to train in those stores, you need to audit them. You need to hold them accountable. So, doing all that, he shut everything down, all the growth down, for two or three years, till he put all that in place. Then he was ready to grow again. So there's. It's a whole different skill set to grow and expand than it is to execute one or two stores. [00:18:06] Speaker C: We've seen so many people that have started franchise that they grew too fast. They didn't do what David is explaining, and they just couldn't sustain. [00:18:16] Speaker B: So did it become like a cash flow crunch, or did it just become where they. Just the quality or the consistency? [00:18:24] Speaker C: Like, you mean with Jimmy John's or. [00:18:26] Speaker B: Just, like, with the ones. [00:18:27] Speaker C: Oh, with the other ones? [00:18:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:29] Speaker C: I think that it was a combination of all of that. And then money, you know, comes from behind and starts eating you alive when you don't have. When one thing starts going wrong, then it starts snowballing with all the things that you're saying. And so we've just. We saw a lot of that, and we knew that we wanted to own a business, so we really wanted to come under the umbrella of a corporation that had it down pay with the systems and procedures, and to have the support of the company. [00:19:00] Speaker B: Wow, that's really good. So that's very good advice for someone that wants to start franchising. Focus on those policies and procedures. We were also talking a little bit before we went live about marketing and that was something too, that you said was a really big advantage of being part of a franchise. So share with us a little bit about that. What about the marketing was helpful? [00:19:24] Speaker A: Everything. So like Anna said, the whole concept for us and getting a franchise was give me something to execute and we'll execute it. So the marketing, I'm so glad we had a franchise. They did. The marketing people that do professional marketing, branding. When do you need to be on social media? When do you need to be on tv, radio? And this was 2008, so I don't know, that's all shifted, right? All those things. What do you need for print marketing? Someone who's professionally doing that is, that's exactly what they do. And Jimmy John's brought that even advice on. When do you sponsor something? So here in Colorado Springs, Colorado College or the Air Force Academy or the Olympic Committee, folks present you with marketing opportunities or sponsorship opportunities and they're not all the same. And trying to evaluate what's the real value in that. It was awesome to just send the opportunity to the marketing department and say, is this good value or not? [00:20:27] Speaker B: And they could assess it for you. [00:20:28] Speaker A: They assessed it for us. And I would say, on the flip side, the other thing I saw was when you open a small business, as a small business owner, you get a lot of opportunity to donate because people think you own a business, therefore you have a lot of opportunity to donate, which is not really true. When you start a business with cash flow. A lot of people want to sell you marketing opportunities, I guess. And you have a lot of business consultants that want you to pay them to give you advice. So having a franchise made it easy. [00:21:07] Speaker B: You had it all right there. [00:21:08] Speaker A: No thanks. We have it. I mean, that's very overwhelming because as a new business owner, you have like, yeah, maybe that's what we need to do for marketing. Maybe we need to do mailers and maybe we should do this. And folks are coming in trying to sell you those things and you really don't have the cash flow to support it. [00:21:26] Speaker C: There's a parallel just with wealth builders as well. I mean, we had the corporation to back us and give us advice and help us along the way. And it's just like, you know, being a coaching client, we've every step of the way through the purchase we've had, all of you helping us every step of the way with the purchase of the houses that we've bought. So that's been awesome. [00:21:47] Speaker B: Correlation, because that is like, you know, with coaches, friends, guides, we go through the process, and you guys knew the value of that. So when you're stepping back in, that's really cool. I've not really pulled those two together like that. Anna, that's awesome. You know, you're also giving some really good clues as to someone that wants to franchise. You're telling them, you know, get your marketing together, understand what works right, and document it. Provide the ability for someone to ask those questions. Those are great things for someone looking at, franchising to know. And it's almost like to learn if you want to start a franchise, it's almost like, work in a franchise and then you learn. [00:22:33] Speaker A: Nice. [00:22:35] Speaker B: That's really great. All right, let's switch a bit to real estate now. So I had not. I did not know that you had purchased a lot of properties here until we were talking about that. And then you sold them, and now you're just realizing to go back in. And so what does this season look for you? I know that you've got a property in Florida because we were there all on boots on the ground, which is amazing, which is part of our advanced coaching and so much fun. We're in Florida. We're doing that again in October. But you guys really decided, like, hey, we're gonna start to get in the game. And you really followed the guidelines and the numbers. So what's next for you in real estate? What are you seeing right now? [00:23:23] Speaker A: Man? That's hard. [00:23:26] Speaker C: We've taken a step back recently. We're not. I think at one time, somebody told me, was it Troy Peterson? Said, I had buying fever. Like, I just had to have a property. You know, I had to be working on a property. And then I think the Lord just really started talking to us and saying, you know, don't be so anxious. Just, I'm here. I'll encourage you when it's the right property. And, you know, we've just kind of taken a step back over the past few months, we've been paying a lot more attention to putting more time into our business with our daughter and helping her. But we are at peace with where we're at. But we know that real estate is our calling. We know that the Lord is calling us to this. And so when the time is right, when we do sell the businesses, the Jimmy John's, you know, we just wanted to go all gangbusters with real estate, just all in. And so we're. We're also thinking about a portfolio and how diversified we want to be. We're learning about that diversification in real estate right now. So when the opportunities come, we're evaluating. We're also looking at medical buildings. We were very encouraged by Colin Carr when he spoke on that. We love multifamily, we love Vrbo, but it's, you know, it's just one step at a time. You know, I think. I think the biggest lesson that I've learned this year is just to learn how to slow down and just really trust the Lord in each purchase. You know that you've been through several purchases with us where they fell through. [00:25:16] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. [00:25:17] Speaker C: And they were crazy. It was crazy what happened in those situations. But, you know, we also felt that, you know, it wasn't right and God was protecting us. [00:25:27] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. And I remember going through those with you, and it is, at first it's, it's discouraging, but then when you realize that you've committed your business and your real estate to the Lord and you can trust him, you know, I agree. There's just times there is protection for us. [00:25:47] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:25:48] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's, you know, it's no small fee to be selling the businesses and you've really got to think that through and then you kind of know the area that you want to go into. But there is also, you guys have been great at gaining knowledge and understanding, which allows you to take God's wisdom and actually apply it. Right. [00:26:06] Speaker C: Yeah. So we're asking the Lord just to give us wisdom and a vision for what he sees for our future. [00:26:14] Speaker B: I really like that. [00:26:16] Speaker C: And it's all up to him. And, you know, we don't want to, we just want to take the reins off of everything and just hand it over to him. And we're excited about what is going to happen tomorrow. [00:26:29] Speaker B: That's so good. And just to, I mean, people you that have watched the podcast and part of wealth builders know that part of that, taking the, like giving God the reins, it's not that you sit and do nothing. It's actually quite opposite of that. And you guys have done a great job. You're like, we're going to steward this. We're going to get the how to's. I was just talking to Billy about this this morning on a webinar, and that's a really important part of being equipped to be able to take that risk, like in the parable of the talent and step out into business. And so you are taking that time to study and then when you're ready to go all in again on real estate, you're going to be very well equipped. [00:27:09] Speaker C: We sure hope so. [00:27:10] Speaker B: You will be. You are. So what advice would you give to people listening, you know, with your journey, what's kind of on your heart with. I like what you said about the vision, you know, even partnering with God in this adventure of business and real estate, what advice would you give? [00:27:30] Speaker A: Oh, well, I guess first is you need to know where God's calling you to be. And I would say we're pretty blessed because like I said, when we started, when we stepped into Jimmy John's, even with our real estate properties, it was we, we just. I went, we weren't where we are now in our christian walk, so we probably wouldn't have articulated it then, but we knew that's what God wanted us to do. We were in agreement on that. We both. It was what we both wanted to do. And so, thankfully, like I said, with, I think without a lot of awareness, we were stepping into what God wanted us to do. And again, the businesses were. Were for his kingdom. I don't know that we could. Well, we did articulate that then, a combination of four for his kingdom and for our kids, because the other aspect I didn't mention was, you know, I mean, I still have a job, the 40 hours week job in defense contracting, but we knew that the long term pension and work for someone for 30, 40 years was not the world our kids were going to grow up in. They had to grow up in a world where they brought value to the marketplace. And these were words we knew, 2007, 2008, they needed to be able to bring value to the marketplace, and that's how they were going to generate income, not, like I said, through a traditional long term job. So that was our intent in the beginning. God's blessed, that I would say. And we've said, we look back at what we've done with Jimmy Johns and the mistakes we've made, and we're like, there's only one reason we still are in Jimmy John's and three of them, that's because God has, God has blessed us with it. So that's one is, it's where you need to be called to be. But then I would say, the other thing is, go do it. Pull the trigger. I can't tell you how many people have either said, oh, I wish I'd have bought that house, but, you know, someone else, you know, they waited too long, or they look at us in a business and say, I've always wanted to do that, but they never have, and so you got to do it. [00:29:41] Speaker B: You got to step out at some point, right? Yeah. Get in the game. [00:29:44] Speaker C: It is getting in the game, but. And part of getting in the game is really giving it all to God and trusting him. [00:29:51] Speaker B: Wow. [00:29:52] Speaker C: Because it's, you know, for some people, it's their life savings. It was. When we did Jimmy John's, it was everything. What you had in our 401. Yeah, it was okay, and it was everything. And people thought we were crazy, you know, to empty out our retirement fund to start a business. [00:30:11] Speaker A: The Jimmy John's model that they had on their website, you needed this much cash and this much equity. This much cash was exactly what was in the. This much equity was exactly the equity that was in our rental houses at the time. [00:30:27] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [00:30:28] Speaker A: Like, to the dollar. [00:30:30] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. That was like. I think we've got a confirmation here, right? Oh, you guys, that's so encouraging. I really appreciate you being a part of this podcast and just really being part of our family. I really feel like you guys are family. You know, we're blessed. You know, Levi and Carly, you know, we get together when we go down to Florida and stuff, and that's really what wealth builders is all about. It's community, it's family, it's connecting, and we're on this adventure together. [00:30:59] Speaker C: It is. And I think the most exciting thing is that we all have the same vision, you know, for God's kingdom. And that's really exciting to share in that. And you start connecting with people. The energy just flows. [00:31:13] Speaker B: It really does. Wow. So thank you so much. [00:31:17] Speaker C: Thanks for having us. [00:31:18] Speaker B: I just want to thank all of you for tuning in and just encourage you that if you've been maybe on the frame of, like, I'm not sure if I should get in the game or not. I really feel like Dave and Anna have shared a lot about you. You do need to step in the game. And of course, through our coaching program, you do have that guide. You have that help to help either scale start a business, learn about real estate, whatever that might be. And we have an opportunity coming up in August, and it is the real estate boot camp. So we've started doing these boot camps. We do three a year. We've done the triple x factor one, the business one. This is a real estate, and it's completely free to you. It's an hour training with our coaches, a different coach every night of the week. And in that, I think that they'll learn. Like, wow, am I called to do this. Is it something that I can step forth, but it'll give you a foundation of information, and in that, I think you will know what your next step is. So in that, we'll be sharing with you about the real estate masterclass, where that will be opening shortly after that, we've got a real estate workshop in October. So if you're interested in real estate, please be a part of that. So thank you so much. Share this podcast with others, friends and family. We love and appreciate you. God bless and make it a great rest of the day.

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