On this episode of The WealthBuilders Podcast, Billy Epperhart continues his teaching on 10 steps for managing property. If you’re a real estate investor, this is the information you need to ensure you’re covering yourself legally and getting the most return out of your investment!
Hosted by Billy Epperhart. Written by Hannah Grieser. Produced by Celine Williams. Narration by Greg Hunter. Music by Audio Jungle.
Instagram: @billyepperhart
Facebook: Billy Epperhart
Twitter: @BillyEpperhart
YouTube Channel: Billy Epperhart
As the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Yet, once you get in the game, it becomes a lot easier...
On this episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast we have a behind the scenes conversation between Karen Conrad Metcalfe and David & Melta Briggs. When...
Change: /CHānj/ 1. make (someone or something) different; alter or modify. For a concept that can cause so much uncertainty, that’s a pretty straightforward...