Latest Episodes
Four Steps to the First X, Part One
The first step to building wealth is to have more money coming in than you do going out. I call that 'the first X.'...
The History of Market Bubbles
We can predict the future by observing the past. On this episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast, Billy Epperhart discusses what we can learn from...
Listener Questions Vol. 1
You asked, Billy answered! On this episode of the WealthBuilders Podcast, Billy answers audience questions about investment and the stock market. Keep submitting your...
To Change or Not to Change
Change is inevitable. Whether you bring it upon yourself or whether it comes unexpectedly, there’s no escaping it. Learning how to prepare for and...
Intrinsic Value and the Stock Market
America isn’t just in a stock market bubble—it’s in an everything bubble. Interest rates are at an all-time low. The rate at which they’re...
The Stock Market Bubble
A word of warning—you need to be aware of what’s going on in the stock market. We’ve never had interest rates this low in...